The reality of price reduction is that when a seller lowers their price, the buyer may not know that the price has been reduced, and they likely don’t really care, because they will begin their negotiation from the new, lower price. When this happens, the seller gets no credit for reducing the price, and that is a shame. Also, after a seller or builder has done a price reduction, they are much less likely to entertain the thought of another one. So, reducing price is not always the best option if that leaves no further room for negotiations, which is understandable.

 When the buyer looks for financing, they are seeking the lowest interest rate available on the mortgage, with 0 points. As you know, a buyer can pay a point or two and get a lower interest…

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No Show

In the whirlwind of our daily lives, we often find ourselves meticulously planning every minute, leaving little room for spontaneity. However, life has a funny way of throwing unexpected curveballs our way, such as last-minute cancellations or no-shows. While these moments may initially be met with frustration or disappointment, there's a hidden beauty in embracing them. Let's explore how unexpected cancellations and no-shows can be opportunities for personal growth, self-discovery, and a fresh perspective on life.

1. Unexpected Free Time

Cancellations open up a slot in your schedule that you didn't anticipate. Instead of viewing this as time wasted, consider it an opportunity. This newfound free time can be used for self-care, pursuing hobbies…

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Top 5 Pre Commercial Sale Factors

Maximizing Long-Term Value in Real Estate and Business Sales: Top 5 Strategic Mistakes to Avoid

By Tim Bray, Broker/Owner, Seaport Real Estate Services

Hello, I'm Tim Bray, the broker/owner of Seaport Real Estate Services and a graduate in Real Estate & Urban Economics from UConn. Through my years of experience, I've seen how focusing on short-term gains can lead to long-term challenges in real estate and business sales. Let's explore the top five strategic mistakes to avoid for maximizing long-term sale values.

1. The Pitfall of Underreporting Income Underreporting income, particularly through cash transactions, may offer short-term tax benefits, but it drastically reduces your property's perceived profitability and legal standing. Accurate…

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"Have you ever found yourself in a debate where winning seemed less important than maintaining peace?" 

Better to let a fool win a debate than to lose your peace. Wisdom lies in choosing your battles.


In today's increasingly polarized world, where opinions and beliefs often clash with high intensity, the value of preserving relationships and inner peace becomes paramount. This perspective is not just about avoiding conflict; it's about recognizing the deeper importance of human connections and personal well-being over the fleeting triumph of winning an argument.

The Cost of Winning at All Costs:

  1. Relationship Strain: Insisting on winning an argument, especially on sensitive topics, can strain relationships. Friends, family members, and…

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In the fast-paced world of real estate, every call could be a game-changer. Commission-based professionals often find themselves tethered to their phones, living in fear of missing that one pivotal call. But what if I told you there's a way to reclaim your freedom, stand out from the crowd, and still come off as the top-notch professional you are? Enter: The Daily Voicemail Hack.

????**Why Update Your Voicemail Daily?**????

1. Stand Out from the Crowd

Every time you miss a call and the caller hears your updated voicemail, they immediately recognize your dedication and commitment. It's a clear indicator that you're on top of your game and are meticulous in your approach - a trait every client appreciates, especially in the real estate world.


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Search Engines

WARNING!!! 5 Hidden Dangers of Choosing Realtors from Leading Websites

It's important to acknowledge that many outstanding real estate professionals in the marketplace excel in research, valuation, and marketing. These dedicated agents work tirelessly to ensure their clients receive the best possible service and expertise. However, when searching for a realtor, some consumers may be tempted to use the convenience of top websites to find an agent, which might not always be the best approach.

While there's no doubt that some excellent realtors can be found on these platforms, relying solely on these websites might lead to potential pitfalls:

 There are several reasons why relying solely on them may not be the best idea, and here are five…

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Connecticut's real estate taxes can vary greatly depending on the municipality and districts within them.  The graphic above illustrates the base rates for each town. Additional rates are applied to specific locations where services are provided.  These services can include public water, sewer, trash removal,  police services, or a firehouse.  A town or district with a lower Mill rate may not offer these services.  Your real estate agent will be able to help you to determine the services offered and their importance to you when purchasing real estate. The average property tax rate in CT for 2023 is $30.50, with the highest being Hartford at $68.95 and the lowest being Salisbury at $11. 

Town Mill Rates 23

How to Calculate Connecticut Property Taxes


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In recent years, the commercial real estate industry has seen a concerning trend where commercial brokerage firms opt not to offer co-brokerage commissions to buyers' agents. The withholding of these commissions can have significant negative consequences for property owners, buyers, and the industry's reputation as a whole. 

Adverse Impacts of Not Offering Cobrokerage Commissions

  1. Reduced Market Exposure

Cobrokerage commissions incentivize buyers' agents to bring their clients to a property, which expands the pool of potential buyers. By not offering these commissions, commercial brokerage firms limit the property's exposure to the market. This can lead to longer times on the market and, ultimately, lower sale prices.

  1. Lower Sale…

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Washing Machine and septic

Professionals in the real estate industry often face complex issues involving regulations and guidelines that impact their clients' properties. One such issue is the disposal of wastewater from washing machines into septic systems. To ensure the best outcomes for clients, real estate professionals must conduct thorough due diligence and vet the sources of information they rely on. The case of Tim Bray, broker/owner of Seaport Real Estate Services, highlights the importance of obtaining accurate information from reliable sources, especially when dealing with matters that can have significant consequences for homeowners.

Due diligence is the process of gathering and analyzing information to make informed decisions. This often involves researching…

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The commercial real estate market operates within two distinct segments: off-market and on-market transactions. Each segment has its unique characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages, catering to different types of investors and property owners.

Off-market transactions refer to commercial properties that are bought and sold without being publicly advertised or listed on popular real estate websites like Crexi and Loopnet. These deals often occur through personal connections, word of mouth, or specialized brokers with extensive industry networks. Off-market properties may exchange hands before the general public becomes aware of their availability, offering several advantages: 

Less competition: Off-market transactions can allow…

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